you can find there so much scary kuntilanak ghost picture at ramalanprimbon.com site.
Scary? Not so much. this picture is not real. this picture is cuted out all of the original photo around the ghost, then lowered her opacity to around 80%. It took two minutes. All It did was paste the image of the girl onto the picture of the library. It applied a soft, radial blur to her of just 2% to create an eerie feeling. So how do we know if a photo you see on the web is real or not? Basically, you don’t. Unless you took the photo yourself, developed it yourself and loaded it yourself, you’ll never really be 100% sure - but that doesn’t stop it being fun looking at ghost photos!
How can it claimed as ghost picture, it is in a room where people actually burning some thing. When I watch this picture, I remember with sholin temple. When the people praying there, they always burn some thing, some thing like money. In the picture above is the picture of the cloud or a smoke which produced by some ting which is brned together there.
Look at the picture above, that is s building which burned with fire. If you watch detail on the right side of the picture, you will get some think strange like what you see in the picture above. Is that a man? I think it is not a man. Is it possible when a man was burned in a hose then captured by camera? I don’t claim that this is the real ghost picture, but I think this is some thing which burned then captured by camera. Because the object is looked like a man then it claimed as a ghost picture.
Look at the image above, the source image of his picture was claimed that this is ghost picture which is located in a waterfall. I think this is not a ghost picture. Each time you capture a waterfall or a cloud you will get a unique pattern. And the image above was captured and then a person who capture this picture looking for the pattern which is looked like a ghost face, then they claimed it as the ghost face.
Wow what is that, the hantu pocong was captured behind the man. It so clear and it so real, is it true? Yes the pocong picture is real. And the picture of the people is also true. But I don’t believe with it. The pocong ghost and the picture of the picture are actually captured in the different place. Yes, I guess it is not a real pocong ghost which is captured in the real environment. It is a fake ghost picture.