Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Hantu Di Dalam Kamar Hotel

One another ghost picture that i found, this is oneof the most scary ghost picture in the world.Lord Combermere was run over and killed by a horse-drawn carriage in 1891. look at the picture above. During the lord's funeral a photographer took this picture of the lord's manor library. that so scary is not it? Sitting in the lord's favourite chair can be seen an arm and a head - according to the manor staff bearing a chilling resememblance to the late lord. do not remind about it or you will be scary forever

Acara Pemburu Hantu Di Luar Negri

have you ever watch the ghost hunter at indonesia TV station? it is all about Pemburu Hantu in indonesia. Not satisfied he decided to film it again moths later, with results that will shock. actually we can not see the real ghost that we can find at pemburu hantu. it is only the paranormal which is doing and catching the ghost. by the way we can find the ghost hunter in another country as you can watch at the videos above

Video Penampakan Hantu Yang Tertangkap Kamera

this is about the ghost which is catched and recorded at the camera. But another video from the user surfaced, he'd been having problems with the pantry door being opened in the morning and decided to film it through the night, with results, the door opened and it is said that you can make out the same figure from the first video. it remain me with the ghost of alda which is published at one of Indonesia TV station

Video Nyata Penampakan Hantu

Becareful watching this ghost video, this video is really scary, if you don't want to screame, ask your partner to accompany you watching this video. It started off simply enough with a ghostly figure being captured on the fly, very brief, it seemed like a one off situation, usually never hearing about it again. then what kind of ghost is not it? it so scary is not it?

Berkomunikasi Dengan Hantu

Make contact with the ghost is not easy. we need the help of paranormal to do it. Or it's a long running hoax, the dudes story changes a little from video to video and the footage seems tampered with, though it's absolutely freaking cool. then how about this video? With many people who see the footage screaming fake, he decides to invite an independent source to witness the phenomena. What is witnessed is beyond belief. i don't really scare about this video

Ratusan Foto Hantu Jepang Yang Paling Seram

have you ever watch the Japanese horror movie? If you are easily scared, some of the images are "The Ring" kind of creepy, lots of ghostly beings creeping up behind people, appearing in windows and tv screens so just a little warning. Some of the picture in these Japanese ghost picture mixes are just plain creepy, I don't really know what to make of it all, some of the images seem fake, some misaken identities, some look as if they're just trying to find faces and such. As far as I can tell there are about 9 videos like the one above and if they're as long as this one there has got to be hundreds of ghost pictures contained in these ghost mixes, some have to be real. It so Scary Is not it?

Hantu Kabut Di Atas Rel

It took while hiking alone next to Kennesaw Mountain, in Georgia. when some one took the picture you see above. To be honest, there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING there when It saw the “smoke,” or “fog,” or whatever the hell that was on my digital camera screen. there is no explanation for this, and I is not one to assume such things, but there wasn’t event a hint of anything right in front. There was nothing there before I snapped the photo, and nothing immediately after. If anyone has any feedback of what it might be, please let us know. Based on the fact that this thing is definitely eerie, comes out of nowhere, and in the midst of a civil war battleground, this actually might be a ghost. See for yourself!this was a very interesting picture

Video Hantu, Arwah dan Setan

Do you believe with ghost? Real or fake? can you determine it? Some of the footage used in this video is obviously crap, but some of it is… interesting. true or fake, Decide for yourself. but it so scary is not it? this is the most important think for ghost picture.

Foto Hantu Di Perpustakaan

Scary? Not so much. this picture is not real. this picture is cuted out all of the original photo around the ghost, then lowered her opacity to around 80%. It took two minutes. All It did was paste the image of the girl onto the picture of the library. It applied a soft, radial blur to her of just 2% to create an eerie feeling. So how do we know if a photo you see on the web is real or not? Basically, you don’t. Unless you took the photo yourself, developed it yourself and loaded it yourself, you’ll never really be 100% sure - but that doesn’t stop it being fun looking at ghost photos!